For Immediate Release Contact: John Yanefski Target Development Phone: (717) 399.9550 Fax: (717) 399.9551 email: Target Development Announces Beta Release of ReportPalette for AccessKit/UIBinder; January release for EOF. LANCASTER, PENNSYLVANIA - December 12, 1994. Target Development announces the beta release of the ReportPalette for AccessKit / UIBinder. The ReportPalette provides a graphical means for constructing and formatting reports directly from your applications custom objects. The palette objects use the UIBinder tree to define the hierarchy of objects on which to report. Data can be graphically formatted using a Text object, embedded with selector names that will be replaced with object data at runtime. Supported data types are string, int, double, float, NXImage and UIRtfdWrapper. A DBTableView can be used to graphically define report column features such as title, alignment, position, width, and autosize status. Page sizes and orientation are easily customized at runtime using PrintInfo. Page and document headers and footers can be graphically defined in InterfaceBuilder, as can group-by properties, and their respective headers and footers. Delegate notification and a custom cell class protocol provide the key to extending the palette objects to meet the most specific needs. The palette will release as version 2.0 in January of 1995, and sell for $595.00 per developer seat. No runtime fees apply to applications built with the palette. The EOF version will also begin shipping in January, 1995. Target Development is a Pennsylvania-based object-oriented solutions company, specializing in database productivity objects for NeXTSTEP. We are currently shipping a suite of palettes for the DatabaseKit, and beta releases of the RetrieverPalette and ReportPalette for AccessKit / UIBinder. Beta releases of each of these products will be available for the EOF in January, 1995. Interested persons should contact us by phone at (717) 399-9550, fax at (717) 399-9551, or email to DatabaseKit, EOF, InterfaceBuilder and NeXTSTEP are a trademarks of NeXT Computer, Inc. AccessKit and UIBinder are trademarks of VNPSoftware, Inc. ReportPalette and RetrieverPalette are trademarks of Target Development.